Sorry,Source WebSite is going wrong and it can’t be accessed temporarily!
1.源站宕機、間歇性卡頓。? 請檢查源站的存活狀態。如何檢查源站狀態。
2.源站響應超時30秒。?? 超過30秒未響應的請求會被雲防護斷開,顯示502。
4.請檢查源站防火墻是否攔截雲防護二手餐飲設備買賣節點IP。?? 詳見FAQ
-如果域名服務商的防火墻攔截雲防護節點IP, 請與域名服務商聯系解封並加白IP段。
Why there will be 502, snapshots after using WebGuard?
The reason may as follow:台中收購餐飲設備
1.The source website down or intermittent seriously slow.Please check the survival status of source website . How to check the source website status
2.The response time of source website exceed 30 seconds.The request time more than 30 seconds will be disconected by WebGuard ,and Display 502.
3.Please check if the source IP in the DNS configuration of WebGuard is correct, whether there remains IPS is wrong or no longer in use.
4.Please check if the firewall of source website blocked the IPs of WebGuard nodes. see the FAQ for details
-If the firewall of ISP blocked ,the IPs of WebGuard nodes. please contact the ISP to unlock and add the IP segments to whitelist.
-If the firewall of server (safedog, etc.) blocked the IPs of WebGuard nodes, please add the IP segments to the whitelist of the server firewall.
-if you have not any firewall on server, please contact with your IDC, and add the IP segments of WebGuard to the whitelist of the IDC